Traditional Wisdom and Modern Methods in Qibla Direction: A Multicultural Study of Sunan Geseng Great Mosque, Indonesia
The accuracy of the Qibla direction holds paramount importance in Islamic worship practices, particularly in historical mosques where traditional methods intersect with modern calculations. This study examines the case of the Sunan Geseng Great Mosque in Indonesia, established circa 1400 AD, where traditional supernatural methods of Qibla determination converge with contemporary astronomical calculations. This research investigates the historical method of Qibla direction determination and analyzes community perspectives on potential recalibration, examining the balance between preserving historical authenticity and ensuring religious accuracy. This qualitative research employs historical analysis and astronomical approaches. Data collection involved in-depth interviews with six key informants including religious leaders, mosque administrators, and community members, supplemented by astronomical measurements and historical document analysis. Astronomical calculations revealed a 4° 54' 55.5" northward deviation in the mosque's Qibla direction. Historical analysis indicated that the original direction was determined through a supernatural method by Sunan Geseng's teacher. Interview findings revealed three key responses to potential calibration: religious leaders acknowledged the deviation and adjusted prayer rows accordingly; community leaders supported row adjustment without structural changes; and certain community members opposed changes based on ancestral reverence. This study contributes to understanding the dynamics between traditional methods and modern calculations in determining Qibla direction, while providing insights for managing similar cases where religious accuracy intersects with cultural preservation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhajir Muhajir, Misbah Khusurur, Frangky Suleman, Suud Sarim Karimullah, Lina Kuklienė, Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul

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