“ADA TUHAN DI MADRASAH” Adaptasi Sosial Akademik Guru dan Siswa Kristen di Lingkungan Madrasah

  • Abrari Ilham
  • Rahmathias Jusuf
  • Rahmawaty Alkatiri


For many years, Elder Anderson Makakombo has dedicated himself to advancing the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Swasta Insani Tateli Minahasa. As a leader and special servant in the Christian religion, Anderson Makakombo and the Christian students at the madrasah helped give color to Islamic education in Minahasa. The name "God" in Christian religious literature which is mentioned in madrasah rooms indicates the openness of Islamic Education in providing educational services to all communities without distinction of religion and belief. This research aims to examine the phenomenon of socio-academic adaptation experienced by Christian teachers and students in the madrasa environment. Understand how Christian teachers and students navigate academic life in madrasas, including social interactions, the dynamics of interfaith relationships, and the challenges and opportunities that arise in the teaching and learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in madrasas which have religious diversity among teachers and students. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that even though there are challenges in terms of religious differences, both Christian teachers and students can adapt well through an open communication process, an attitude of tolerance, and support from the madrasah. This research makes an important contribution to the understanding of how religious diversity in Islamic education can be integrated harmoniously without compromising the religious identity of each party.
Keywords: Madrasah, Christian Teachers and Students
