The Similarities in the Readings of HAFS and SHU’BAH: A Phonetic and Linguistic Study

  • Hairuddin Hairuddin
  • Suharia Sarif
  • Yuslin Kasan


This study aimed to uncover the conflicting aspects of Quranic readings between the recitations of Hafs and Shu'bah, which led to phonetic assimilation, such as assimilation between ḍammah and kasrah, assimilation between fatḥah and kasrah, substitution, and idgham. This research employed a descriptive method by conducting library research and examining classical works on Quranic readings as well as modern scientific studies. The study found that classical scholars referred to assimilation as idgham, substitution (ibdal), compliance (ittiba‘), or adjacency (mujawarah), while contemporary scholars termed it as similarity (tashabuh), homomorphism (tashakul), neutralization (tahyiid), or adjacency. The differences in the readings of Hafs and Shu'bah, which resulted in assimilation, were identified in their variations in reading between ḍammah and kasrah, fatḥah and kasrah, substitution, and idgham.
Keywords: assimilation, idgham, Quranic readings
