Strategi Pembelajaran Mufradat Berbasis Kreatifitas Siswa di MTs Manarul Ilmi Manado

  • Najwa Hasania
  • Alimudin Rivai
  • Andi Faisal Rauf


One of the components of language is vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the most important components in learning Arabic. However, the process of learning vocabulary is generally less inventive, making students lazy to learn Arabic on their own. Using interesting media and motivating students to actively participate in learning Arabic vocabulary will be very beneficial. This can be an intermediary or help students master Arabic vocabulary. The purpose of this study was to create a creativity-based learning strategy that can improve students' mastery of vocabulary at MTS Manarul Ilmi in grades 7 and 8. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. Interviews with teachers and students and observations in the field were used to collect data. The results of the study created strategies for learning Arabic vocabulary such as singing, remembering mimicry memorization and mind mapping. These results can encourage teachers to create innovative and creative game-based vocabulary learning strategies. This can increase students' desire to learn.
Keywords: Learning Strategy, Vocabulary, Arabic, Student Creativity
