Pengaruh Modul Ajar PAI Berbasis Digital Dalam Mendorong Moderasi Beragama di Madrasah
This review of research provides an overview of the influence of digital-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules in encouraging religious moderation in Madrasas. This research promotes the purpose of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules and teachers managing the digital-based learning process in implementing religious moderation in Madrasah. The research method used in this research approach is a quantitative field method; this is done to measure the influence of digital-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules in encouraging religious moderation in Madrasah. The results of the study show that there is an influence between the digital-based PAI Teaching Module on Religious Moderation and the simple linear regression equation in this analysis is Y = 4.735 + 0.336 X, the equation is by the simple linear regression formula of Y = b0 + b1 X, where Y is religious moderation, and X is the PAI teaching module. The meaning of the simple linear regression equation is that the value of b0 = 4,735 shows that if the PAI teaching module increases by 1%, the level of the driving teacher will increase by 4,735 from the rise. The value of b1 = 0.336 shows that if the influence of religious moderation increases by 1%, it affects the managerial skills of school principals by 0.336 from the rise. So, it can be concluded that variable X (PAI teaching module) has a significant influence on variable Y (religious moderation); from the results of the hypothesis, it is proven that "there is a significant influence between digital-based PAI teaching modules on religious moderation". From the results of the data processing analysis, it was found that the influence of variable X (PAI teaching module) on variable Y (religious moderation) was 53.4%. At the same time, the remaining 46.6% was influenced by other variables that were not included in this study. PAI teachers are expected to use an inclusive approach by utilizing interactive digital-based teaching modules in the current context so that students can understand the concept of religious moderation in a more in-depth and relevant way. In addition, teachers must set an example of being moderate inside and outside the classroom to create a dialogical culture that respects differences. Teachers are also advised to take part in training or workshops on digital literacy and strengthening the values of religious moderation to be more skilled in designing learning that supports the creation of harmony amid diversity.
Keywords: Teaching Modules; Digital; PAI; Religious Moderation; Madrasah