ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ISLAMIC EDUCATION AND MULTICULTURALISM (AICIEM) 2025-01-29T07:50:04+00:00 Arhanuddin Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">This International Seminar aims to be a platform for exchanging ideas and the latest research findings in the fields of Islamic Education, Religion and Multiculturalism, Language, Social Science, and Educational Technology. The event will bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, and students from various backgrounds to discuss and share insights on the challenges and opportunities in advancing education and knowledge in the era of globalization.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p>The main topics to be discussed in this seminar include:</p> <ol> <li>Islamic Education: Discussions on the theory, practice, and latest developments in Islamic education, as well as how this approach can adapt to social and cultural changes in society.</li> <li>Religion and Multiculturalism: Exploring the role of religion in building harmonious multicultural societies and how religious values can contribute to strengthening tolerance and intercultural understanding.</li> <li>Language: An exploration of linguistic issues, language teaching, and the role of language in shaping cultural and social identities in an increasingly connected global community.</li> <li>Social Science: Research and analysis on the social, cultural, political, and economic dynamics influencing contemporary society, with a focus on the changes brought about by technological advancements and cross-cultural interactions.</li> <li>Educational Technology: Discussions on the latest innovations in educational technology that support the learning process, including the use of digital tools and online learning platforms to enhance educational effectiveness.</li> </ol> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p>The seminar will feature keynote speakers who are experts in their fields, research presentations, and interactive panel discussions. Through this event, participants are expected to expand their knowledge, build professional networks, and find new inspiration for future research and practice.</p> Integration of Social Media as a Learning Resource in Improving the Qira'ah Ability of Madrasah Aliyah Students of Gorontalo City 2025-01-29T07:50:02+00:00 Suharia Sarif Suleman D Kadir Musdelifa Abu Samad Miskat I Inaku <p>This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of social media integration in qira’ah learning at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo, focusing on enhancing students' learning motivation and reading skills. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, data were collected through observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The findings revealed that social media increased students' motivation by up to 85% and improved their reading skills, including reading speed (35%), vocabulary acquisition (42%), and comprehension of main ideas (31%). Social media also strengthened student-teacher interactions by 56% and boosted active participation in online discussions to 82%. The implications of this study demonstrated that social media integration not only supported adaptive learning but also addressed challenges in qira’ah instruction. This study recommended teacher training to effectively utilize social media in technology-based learning. Such integration has the potential to make Arabic language learning more relevant and engaging for the digital generation.<br>Kata kunci: Integration, Social media, Maharatul Qira’ah</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## “ADA TUHAN DI MADRASAH” Adaptasi Sosial Akademik Guru dan Siswa Kristen di Lingkungan Madrasah 2025-01-29T07:50:02+00:00 Abrari Ilham Rahmathias Jusuf Rahmawaty Alkatiri <p>For many years, Elder Anderson Makakombo has dedicated himself to advancing the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Swasta Insani Tateli Minahasa. As a leader and special servant in the Christian religion, Anderson Makakombo and the Christian students at the madrasah helped give color to Islamic education in Minahasa. The name "God" in Christian religious literature which is mentioned in madrasah rooms indicates the openness of Islamic Education in providing educational services to all communities without distinction of religion and belief. This research aims to examine the phenomenon of socio-academic adaptation experienced by Christian teachers and students in the madrasa environment. Understand how Christian teachers and students navigate academic life in madrasas, including social interactions, the dynamics of interfaith relationships, and the challenges and opportunities that arise in the teaching and learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in madrasas which have religious diversity among teachers and students. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that even though there are challenges in terms of religious differences, both Christian teachers and students can adapt well through an open communication process, an attitude of tolerance, and support from the madrasah. This research makes an important contribution to the understanding of how religious diversity in Islamic education can be integrated harmoniously without compromising the religious identity of each party.<br>Keywords: Madrasah, Christian Teachers and Students</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Similarities in the Readings of HAFS and SHU’BAH: A Phonetic and Linguistic Study 2025-01-29T07:50:02+00:00 Hairuddin Hairuddin Suharia Sarif Yuslin Kasan <p>This study aimed to uncover the conflicting aspects of Quranic readings between the recitations of Hafs and Shu'bah, which led to phonetic assimilation, such as assimilation between ḍammah and kasrah, assimilation between fatḥah and kasrah, substitution, and idgham. This research employed a descriptive method by conducting library research and examining classical works on Quranic readings as well as modern scientific studies. The study found that classical scholars referred to assimilation as idgham, substitution (ibdal), compliance (ittiba‘), or adjacency (mujawarah), while contemporary scholars termed it as similarity (tashabuh), homomorphism (tashakul), neutralization (tahyiid), or adjacency. The differences in the readings of Hafs and Shu'bah, which resulted in assimilation, were identified in their variations in reading between ḍammah and kasrah, fatḥah and kasrah, substitution, and idgham.<br>Keywords: assimilation, idgham, Quranic readings</p> 2025-01-29T05:25:39+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Identifying Gender-Based Language through Analysis of Social Interaction in the Film Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 2025-01-29T07:50:02+00:00 Fitrianita Febrina Ali Febrianto Hakeu <p>Identifying Gender-Based Language through Analysis of Social Interaction in the Film Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The study delves into the analysis of women's language features in the movie "Pride and Prejudice," focusing on the main characters' dialogue. It identifies and examines intensifiers, tag questions, super polite form, lexical hedges, and rising intonations as key features used in the interactions, shedding light on women's speech in diverse contexts. The research aims to uncover the types of women's speech features present in the film and how they are employed by female and male characters. By exploring gender-based language through the lens of Lakoff's theory, the study provides valuable insights for sociolinguistics scholars and students, serving as a springboard for future investigations into women's language practices. The theoretical framework encompasses discussions on language and gender, women's language, Lakoff's hypothesis on women's speech features, and illustrative examples of linguistic features identified by Lakoff. The findings reveal the varied use of women's language by characters in "Pride and Prejudice," with the female character employing six types of women's speech features compared to the male character's use of two types. The study suggests the need for further exploration of women's speech features in real-life conversations, emphasizing the potential for analyzing women's language from an Islamic perspective, particularly in examining women in influential societal roles.<br>Keywords: Gender-based language, Robin Lakoff, Pride and Prejudice</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Discrimination and Racism Against the Asian-American Community 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Cinda Amilia Rahman <p>This research discusses the discrimination and racism experienced by the Asian-American community. Through Wright &amp; Rogers (2011) and Romero (2014) race and ethnicity studies, this research highlights discriminatory issues that occurred during the migration of Asians to America until the Covid-19 pandemic which further exacerbated stereotypes and prejudices against the Asian-American community. This study presents data on incidents of violence, discrimination, and racism affecting the Asian-American community. The Stop Asian Hate movement, which represents public protests and government actions in addressing this racial issue, serves as a follow-up effort to combat racism occurring in America.<br>Keywords: Asian-American; Racism; Stop Asian Hate; Covid-19</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sinergi Multikultural Mahasiswa: Strategi Pencegahan Ideologi Radikal (PT Keagamaan di Sulawesi Utara) 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Mohamad Ali Akbar Djafar Fanridhal Engo <p>The plurality of Indonesian society demands the importance of religious harmony in order to maintain relations between citizens who are diverse in terms of ethnicity, tribe, and religion. Religious discrimination is one of the main obstacles in realizing true pluralism. In this context, religious moderation as a form of tolerance is an important solution. One of the efforts that has been made to promote religious tolerance in North Sulawesi is through the Interfaith Student Forum (FMLA). Established since 1978, FMLA plays an important role in preventing ideological radicalization by strengthening solidarity and interfaith understanding among students. This study aims to explore the role of FMLA in promoting religious tolerance and preventing ideological radicalization in universities in North Sulawesi. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with FMLA alumni, while secondary data were taken from articles related to preventing radicalization. The results of the study show that FMLA plays a role as a forum for students to build understanding and respect for religious differences, as well as create a discussion space that addresses extreme thinking. This forum has succeeded in building solidarity between students from various religious backgrounds, strengthening attitudes of tolerance, and overcoming the potential for ideological radicalization, thus becoming an important example in efforts to create harmony in a pluralistic society.<br>Keywords: multicultural synergy, students, radical ideology, religious universities, North Sulawesi.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Strategi Pembelajaran Mufradat Berbasis Kreatifitas Siswa di MTs Manarul Ilmi Manado 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Najwa Hasania Alimudin Rivai Andi Faisal Rauf <p>One of the components of language is vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the most important components in learning Arabic. However, the process of learning vocabulary is generally less inventive, making students lazy to learn Arabic on their own. Using interesting media and motivating students to actively participate in learning Arabic vocabulary will be very beneficial. This can be an intermediary or help students master Arabic vocabulary. The purpose of this study was to create a creativity-based learning strategy that can improve students' mastery of vocabulary at MTS Manarul Ilmi in grades 7 and 8. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. Interviews with teachers and students and observations in the field were used to collect data. The results of the study created strategies for learning Arabic vocabulary such as singing, remembering mimicry memorization and mind mapping. These results can encourage teachers to create innovative and creative game-based vocabulary learning strategies. This can increase students' desire to learn.<br>Keywords: Learning Strategy, Vocabulary, Arabic, Student Creativity</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Modul Ajar PAI Berbasis Digital Dalam Mendorong Moderasi Beragama di Madrasah 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Febrianto Hakeu Sriwahyuningsih R Saleh Nurul Aini Pakaya Chaterina P Doni Ritmon Amala <p>This review of research provides an overview of the influence of digital-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules in encouraging religious moderation in Madrasas. This research promotes the purpose of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules and teachers managing the digital-based learning process in implementing religious moderation in Madrasah. The research method used in this research approach is a quantitative field method; this is done to measure the influence of digital-based Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teaching modules in encouraging religious moderation in Madrasah. The results of the study show that there is an influence between the digital-based PAI Teaching Module on Religious Moderation and the simple linear regression equation in this analysis is Y = 4.735 + 0.336 X, the equation is by the simple linear regression formula of Y = b0 + b1 X, where Y is religious moderation, and X is the PAI teaching module. The meaning of the simple linear regression equation is that the value of b0 = 4,735 shows that if the PAI teaching module increases by 1%, the level of the driving teacher will increase by 4,735 from the rise. The value of b1 = 0.336 shows that if the influence of religious moderation increases by 1%, it affects the managerial skills of school principals by 0.336 from the rise. So, it can be concluded that variable X (PAI teaching module) has a significant influence on variable Y (religious moderation); from the results of the hypothesis, it is proven that "there is a significant influence between digital-based PAI teaching modules on religious moderation". From the results of the data processing analysis, it was found that the influence of variable X (PAI teaching module) on variable Y (religious moderation) was 53.4%. At the same time, the remaining 46.6% was influenced by other variables that were not included in this study. PAI teachers are expected to use an inclusive approach by utilizing interactive digital-based teaching modules in the current context so that students can understand the concept of religious moderation in a more in-depth and relevant way. In addition, teachers must set an example of being moderate inside and outside the classroom to create a dialogical culture that respects differences. Teachers are also advised to take part in training or workshops on digital literacy and strengthening the values of religious moderation to be more skilled in designing learning that supports the creation of harmony amid diversity.<br>Keywords: Teaching Modules; Digital; PAI; Religious Moderation; Madrasah</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Efektivitas Pemanfaatan Quizizz sebagai Evaluasi Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Siswa 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Anis Fitrohatin <p>المتوسطة نور الهدى كوديت الثاني في مادة اللغة العربي ة الذي في اول الملاحظة عنه نجد أن بعضا من الطلا ب<br>لم يستطيعوا قراءة النص العربي بطلاقة ولم يغلب ان يعرفوا جيدا عن لوحات المتفاتح العربية ذلك سيكون<br>مشكلات عند جواب الاسئلة للاختبار النصفي للسنه باستخدام كويسيس<br>بهذا البحث يرجى ان يعطي اساس التقويمي عند تقويم نتائج التعليم لماده اللغه العربيه في المدرسه المتوسطه نور<br>الهدى كوده الثاني هذا البحث باستخدام الطريقه الوصفيه القميه باختبار تي (T) .<br>بناء على نتيجة البحث إن استخدام كويسيس كوسيلة تقويم لنتائج التعلم لماذا اللغه العربيه لدى الطلاب في الصف الثامن<br>بالمدرسه المتوسطه نور هدى الثاني فعالي باساس اختبار تي ) T( المكتسب من قيمة Sig. (2-tailed) قدر 0,999<br>&gt; 0,05<br>هذا بمعنى ان كويسيس فعالي كوسيلة التقويم لنتائج التعليم لدى الطلاب في مادة اللغة العربية في الفصل<br>كلمة البحث :<br>كويسيس ، تقويم، نتائج التعليم، اللغة العربي ة</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Artificial Intelligence in a Writing Courses: EFL Students' Perceptions 2025-01-29T07:50:03+00:00 Asriani Hasibuan Derliana Hasibuan <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Writing courses might result in an over-dependency on technology. Students may become too dependent on AI devices in terms of idea generation, composition or even editing, which stifles their critical, creative, and writing skills development. Thus, this research was embarked upon to examine the student's understanding of the integration of AI into Writing courses, as well as the determinants of their views. This research uses a qualitative approach characterized descriptively using a case study. The study subjects were fourth-semester students of the English Education Study Program, sampled from those taking the Writing course. There were 16 students in total. Using a questionnaire and properly planned interview, instruments helped to collect data for the study. The outcome of this study reveals that EFL Students’ Perceptions of Writing courses offered with AI assistance fall within the positive category. Besides, EFL students' parameters towards the employment of AI tools in writing courses include attitude determinants, needs determinants, interest determinants, and expectations determinants which the perceiver dominated in comparison to other determinants. As the authors have understood the perceptions and factors that affect the students, the outcomes of this research can help design more effective Writing instructional approaches that incorporate AI tools without skipping their critical thinking skills and creativity. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Writing, EFL Students, Perceptions</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Standardizing The Provision Of “Shafa'at Value” In The World Of Education: (A Critical Analysis Of The Prophet Muhammad Saw Way Of Judging Companions With Wisdom 2025-01-29T07:50:04+00:00 Sayid Ahmad Ramadhan Najmi Hamidi Angga Hidayat <p>Assessment is an aspect that plays a very important role in following up on the quality and quantity of learners, Therefore, the accuracy of determining and giving it always has problems and criteria for each educator. The purpose of this research is oriented on how it is permissible to give the value of compassion (shafa'at value) in line with the practice of the Prophet Muhammad Saw when assessing the Companions in the process of teaching and learning Islamic Religious Education. Library research was deliberately chosen and used as a research method, with a socio-historical critical analysis whose results are presented qualitatively-descriptively. The results show that the permissibility of assessing with love (shafa'at value) can be done by educators through the basis of classification, namely: 1. Steadfastly fair and prudent; 2. Able to balance the level of understanding, application and test results of students and 3. It is not just pampering, but there should be other tasks that must be completed after the grading (shafa'at value) by the students themselves.<br>Keyword: Standardization, Shafa'at Value, Education</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Merumuskan Pemulihan Psikologis Pasca Kegagalan Asmara dalam Perspektif Teori Adaptasi Psikologis dan Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah 2025-01-29T07:50:04+00:00 Arif Sugitanata Faradila Hasan <p>Romantic relationship failures are traumatic experiences that can significantly impact an individual's psychological well-being. This study aims to examine psychological recovery strategies following romantic relationship failures using the theoretical frameworks of George Engel's Psychological Adaptation Theory and Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah. The research employs a qualitative methodology based on a literature review, analyzing various sources related to emotional and spiritual recovery processes. The findings indicate that psychological recovery involves stages of acceptance, self-reflection, social support, the development of new activities, and enhanced spiritual awareness. Within Engel's theoretical framework, this process reflects the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors that support individual adaptation to emotional trauma. Acceptance and self-reflection assist in managing emotions and understanding experiences, while social support and new activities strengthen coping mechanisms. The perspective of Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah broadens this understanding by emphasizing the importance of maintaining the balance of the five essential elements of life: religion, life, intellect, lineage, and property. Spiritual activities, such as worship and religious reflection, support the preservation of the soul (hifz an-nafs) and strengthen spiritual connections (hifz ad-din), while social support and productivity reflect efforts to uphold social harmony and economic stability. This study concludes that psychological recovery following romantic relationship failures is a multidimensional process that integrates emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. The integration of Engel's theory and Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah provides a holistic framework to help individuals overcome emotional trauma, build a stronger foundation, and foster personal growth and sustainable well-being in harmony with Islamic values.<br>Keywords: Psychological, Failure, Romance, Psychological Adaptation, George Engel, Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TRANSFORMASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB DI PESANTREN TRADISIONAL DAN MODERN 2025-01-29T07:50:04+00:00 Abdurrahman Wahid Abdullah Kaharuddin Ramli Putri Inayasari Pilliang <p>There is a dichotomy in the teaching of Arabic at Traditional and Modern Islamic Boarding Schools (Pondok Pesantren). In Traditional Islamic Boarding Schools, the teaching of Arabic focuses on mastering Nahwu-Sharaf (grammar and morphology) as tools for studying classical Islamic texts (kitab turats). On the other hand, the teaching of Arabic in Modern Islamic Boarding Schools emphasizes the development of speaking (maharah kalam) and listening (maharah istima’) skills. This study is a field research conducted at two research sites representing the two categories: traditional and modern. The findings indicate that both types of boarding schools have adopted progressive, innovative, and adaptive measures. This has effectively bridged the gap between Traditional and Modern Boarding Schools. For instance, the transformation of Arabic teaching at Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah Parappe initially focused on mastering Nahwu-Sharaf but later incorporated a speaking- and listening-oriented approach through the mantiqah al-lughah program. Meanwhile, the direction of Arabic teaching at Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam Shahwatul Is’ad, which initially prioritized Arabic as a communication tool, has shifted to include a focus on studying classical Islamic texts. Although the progressive efforts of both types of boarding schools have not yet achieved optimal results, they align with language learning theories, namely Second Language Acquisition Theory and the Ecological Perspective on Language Learning.<br>Keywords: Learning Arabic Transformation, Tradisional Islamic Boarding School, Modern<br>Islamic Boarding School.</p> 2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##