Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia <p>Journal InformationJournal InformationJournal Title Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilazation<br>Language Indonesian (preferred); English&nbsp;<br>ISSN</p> <p>Publication Frequency 2 issues per year (Juni and December)<br>Management Style Open Access</p> <p>Editor in Chief Muhamad Bekti Khudari Lantong, M.S.I&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Penerbit Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam,Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado, Sulawesi Utara - IndonesiaJl. Dr. S.H. Sarundajang, Kawasan Ringrood I, Malendeng ManadoSulawesi Utara, IndonesiaPhone: 0431860616Fax: 0431850774 Kode Pos 95128</p> Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado en-US Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 2988-361X SEJARAH SISTEM PENDIDIKAN MU’ADALAH PONDOK PESANTREN MIFTAHUL MUBTADIIN KREMPYANG NGANJUK https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/702 <p><em>Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Nganjuk is one example of a Salafiyah pesantren that follows the mu'adalah program for the curriculum of teaching and learning activities. This requires a long struggle considering that in the era after independence there was no special recognition and policy from the government for educational institutions that stood under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools. This research aims to find out the history of mu'adalah -based pesantren education, starting from the pioneering period to obtaining policies from the government of the Republic of Indonesia. This research using qualitative methods seeks to provide systematic data and actual facts related to the historicity to the implementation of the mu'adalah education system in Krempyang boarding school. Problem solving procedures are carried out based on problems that arise after being identified, regarding data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews, data collection from several library sources. The results of this study indicate that the advancement of technology in this modern era is also a challenge for Krempyang education, so it must carefully prepare the clumps of religious, non-religious and skill sciences and introduce learning technology tools in its education system. Thus, the students are expected to be ready to compete in this era. On the sidelines of this readiness, Krempyang hut also has to go through stage by stage in order to continue to get recognition of mu'adalah status in every educational curriculum accreditation process.</em></p> Athi Arofatul Faricha ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 1 18 10.30984/historia.v3i1.702 PERAN PONDOK PESANTREN NURUL HUDA KUNINGAN BLITAR DALAM MEMPERJUANGKAN KEMERDEKAAN INDONESIA TAHUN 1942-1945 https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/715 <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang peran Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Kuningan Blitar dalam <br>memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia dari penjajahan Jepang dan usaha-usaha yang <br>dilakukan untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan dari Sekutu. Fokus penelitian ini terdapat <br>beberapa rumusan masalah, pertama bagaimana sejarah berdirinya Pondok Pesantren Nurul <br>Huda Kuningan Blitar? kedua bagaimana konstribusi Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Kuningan <br>Blitar pada saat penjajahan Jepang? ketiga bagaimana upaya Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda <br>Kuningan Blitar dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah <br>membahas tentang sejarah dari berdirinya Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda Kuningan Blitar, <br>peranannya dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan dari penjajahan Jepang, dan usaha yang<br>dilakukan untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan <br>menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang terdapat dalam empat tahapan yaitu heuristik, <br>verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini pertama, Pondok Pesantren <br>Nurul Huda menjadi tempat markas dari orang-orang heiho yang berada di wilayah Blitar, <br>kedua Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda digunakan sebagai tempat penyimpanan bahan-bahan <br>makanan pokok dan sebagai pusat swasembada pangan atas dampak kebijakan Jepang, ketiga<br>Pondok Pesantren Nurul Huda terlibat secara langsung dalam usaha mempertahankan <br>kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan ikut pertempuran 10 Nopember 1945 di Surabaya.</p> Umi Nurvilatul Janah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 3 1 19 36 10.30984/historia.v3i1.715 KEPEMIMPINAN RASULULLAH DALAM PERANG BADAR MENURUT PERSPEKTIF TEORI KEPEMIMPINAN OHIO https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/700 <p><em>Prophet Muhammad’s leadership in the Battle of Badr is a prime example of effective and successful leadership. The victory of the Islamic community in the Battle of Badr can be attributed to Prophet Muhammad’s high leadership in both the structural and human relations dimensions of Ohio leadership. The structural dimension pertains to how a leader organizes and directs tasks, while the human relations dimension involves how a leader builds relationships and interacts with followers. In the structural dimension, Prophet Muhammad demonstrated high leadership by crafting well-thought-out and precise war strategies, assigning tasks and responsibilities to the Islamic forces, and ensuring their readiness for battle. In the human relations dimension, Prophet Muhammad exhibited high leadership by providing motivation and spirit to the Islamic forces, attending to their needs and well-being, and fostering a harmonious relationship with them. His leadership in the Battle of Badr serves as a model for Muslims in leading various organizations and groups. With effective leadership, the Muslim community can achieve victory and success in diverse fields.</em></p> Khanabi Alwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 3 1 37 48 10.30984/historia.v3i1.700 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAM IN KINABUHUTAN VILLAGE https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/1096 <p>This research examines the history and development of Islam in Kinabuhutan Village, which was originally part of Talise Village in North Minahasa, Indonesia. Islam entered the area around 1952, spearheaded by the migration of 10 Muslim families from Talise to Kinabuhutan, started by a foreman who married a local woman. Since then, the village has developed into a fully Muslim community, with the establishment of a mosque and active religious activities. Kinabuhutan village was officially split from Talise village on February 15, 2006, to overcome geographical challenges and improve public services. This research highlights the role of Muslim traders and scholars in the spread of Islam in Indonesia, particularly in coastal areas, as well as the unique context of the spread of Islam in an area dominated by Christian influence. The research methods used include qualitative and historical approaches, including sociological and anthropological approaches, to analyze the role of Islam in the community. The results show that Islam began to enter Kinabuhutan Village around 1952, spearheaded by the migration of 10 Muslim families from Talise. The village later developed into a fully Muslim community, with the establishment of a mosque and active religious activities. Kinabuhutan Village was officially divided from Talise Village on February 15, 2006, to overcome geographical challenges and improve public services.</p> Afriani Malawat Supardi Mimpia Rahmawati Djiko ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 3 1 49 59 10.30984/historia.v3i1.1096 THE EXISTENCE OF THE LAUJE TRIBE IN FACING SOCIAL CHANGE IN TINOMBO VILLAGE, TINOMBO SUB-DISTRICT, PARIGI MOUTONG DISTRICT https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/1097 <p>This research explores the existence of the Lauje tribe in Tinombo Village, Tinombo Sub-district, Parigi Moutong Regency, in the context of social change. The Lauje tribe, which is divided into urban and rural groups, is known as a primitive tribe that still maintains ancestral traditions and culture even though it has begun to interact with outside communities and recognize technology. Using descriptive qualitative methods, this research examines the early life of the Lauje before and after social change, as well as their adaptation strategies. The tribe has a unique language and beliefs, and despite embracing Islam and Christianity, they still retain some elements of their old beliefs. Social change in Lauje society is influenced by both internal and external factors, including the expectation of progress and external cultural influences. Despite progress in the adoption of modern technology and interaction with outside society, some parts of the tribe still retain old traditions, including animist religions.</p> Yuliatmi Yuliatmi Najwa Tubagus Anggi Aprilia Prawira Mokodompit ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 3 1 60 68 10.30984/historia.v3i1.1097 MEMANDANG PERADABAN ABBASIYAH MENGGUNAKAN PEMIKIRAN IBNU KHALDUN https://ejournal.iain-manado.ac.id/index.php/historia/article/view/1026 <p>Dinasti Abbasiyah merupakan dinasti islam kedua yang berdiri selama 500 tahun lebih, berdiri sejak tahun 750 M – 1258 M, dipimpin oleh 37 orang Khalifah selama masa berdirinya dinasti dan tercatat pernah memiliki wilayah kekuasaan yang luasnya mencapai 11,1 juta km². Artikel ini secara spesifik membahas tentang sejarah peradaban Dinasti Abbasiyah menggunakan filsafat sejarah Ibnu Khaldun. Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah sebagai sarana berbagi pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang sejarah Dinasti Abbasiyah dilihat dari perspektif filsafat sejarah Ibnu Khaldun. Hasil pembahasan menunjukan bahwa lewat filsafat sejarah Ibnu Khaldun yang membagi tahapan perkembangan negara yaitu Dinasti Abbasiyah menjadi lima tahap sebagai berikut, (1) Tahap Konsolidasi, dimana tahapan ini adalah tahapan pra-pembentukan Dinasti Abbasiyah, (2) Tahap Tirani, tahap dimana para pemangku kekuasaan yang baru berusaha menguatkan Dinasti Abbasiyah yang baru berdiri itu dengan berbagai hal bahkan dengan cara kekerasan sekalipun, (3) Tahap Distribusi Pembangunan, tahap dimana pemerintah dinasti dan rakyat tercurah pada satu usaha bersama demi memajukan dinasti dan peradaban mereka, (4) Tahap Ketenangan, tahap dimana pemerintah dinasti dan rakyat berada pada puncak kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan dalam berbagai aspek, dan (5) Tahap Hidup Boros, tahap dimana pemerintah yang tenggelam dalam hidup mewah yang membuat merosotnya kualitas dan moralitas sehingga berdampak pada berbagai hal yang menyebabkan kemunduran suatu dinasti. Dalam perjalanan sejarah dinasti tersebut, ditemukan pula bahwa runtuhnya Dinasti Abbasiyah ini juga disebabkan karena melemahnya ashabiyah pada kalangan penyelenggara pemerintah yang membuat masuknya berbagai pengaruh dari berbagai golongan yang ingin merebut tampuk kekuasaan dinasti.</p> Muhammad Alif Irham Said ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 3 1 69 80