Perception of Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu on The Principles and Prohibitions in Business Activities (Fiqh Muamalah Review)

  • Telsy Fratama Dewi Samad Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado
  • Chadijah Haris Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado
Keywords: Muslim women, Entrepreneurs, Fiqh Muamalah, Business Adaptation, Maslahah


Cases of fraud in business activities that occur at both national and regional levels, especially those carried out by Muslim women entrepreneurs, have recently become widespread, including in Kotamobagu. This leads to opinions and raises big questions regarding the behavior of Muslim women entrepreneurs which should be based on Islamic principles, in this case related to the context of fiqh muamalah. This research aims to see how Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu perceive the principles and prohibitions in business activities in reviewing fiqh muamalah. By using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research seeks to reveal the perceptions of Muslim women entrepreneurs regarding the principles and prohibitions in business activities. This research design is based on phenomenological aspects by witnessing the business practices and discussions with informants through in-depth interviews. Data was obtained from interviews and literature reviews related to this topic. The result of this research reveals that in general, Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu understand the principles and prohibitions in business activities as well, and try to implement them. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu have a good perception regarding Islamic principles and prohibitions in doing business so only a few commits fraud in business as happened in early to mid-2022 in Kotamobagu.
