Accelerating the Halal Industry for Economic Growth Economic Growth in Indonesia

  • Nurjannah Nurjannah STAI Al Gazali Soppeng
  • Muhammad Fadel Alauddin Islamic State University
  • Irwan Misbach Alauddin Islamic State University
  • Nugraha Hasan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado
Keywords: Acceleration, Halal Industry, Economy


The halal industry is an important instrument in Indonesia’s economic development and growth. The largest Muslim population in the world is the initial capital for Indonesia as the centre of the world halal industry. The halal industry has a strategic role in improving the economy. This article aims to outline the role and steps to accelerate the halal industry for economic growth. This research is library research with descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from secondary data, namely various journals, research, books relevant to the discussion. The results show that the Islamic economy has been proven to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of USD 3.8 billion annually. The contribution to GDP is reflected in the consumption of the Indonesian people as well as export and import activities for halal products. So, the halal industry should be developed in Indonesia. However, there are still obstacles in its development, therefore synergy is needed from various related parties, namely both the government and the Indonesian people who act as consumers.
