Sharia-Based Marketing Strategies for MSMEs to Navigate Environmental Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Radjab Djamali Manado State Polytechnic
  • Laily Nurhayati Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado
Keywords: economic, sharia marketing strategy, msme, pandemic


The economic repercussions of the pandemic are significantly greater than its health impacts. Pandemics have consistently been a part of human history, threatening both populations and economies globally for centuries. While the financial and medical effects of pandemics are well-documented, the marketing implications remain largely unexplored. To address this gap, we developed a comprehensive conceptual framework to describe the characteristics of a pandemic and its effects on sharia marketing. This study specifically aims to provide a detailed description of the state of MSMEs in Manado, focusing on micro, small, and medium enterprises in the area. The findings reveal that the environment heavily influences organizations, highlighting the need for managers to be adaptable and responsive to changes in their organizational environment. This aligns with the contingency theory approach, which emphasizes the importance of flexibility in contemporary management practices. Businesses that can endure the economic challenges posed by the pandemic will be those that quickly and effectively adapt to new conditions and adopt innovative thinking.
