Qou Vadis: Criminal Law enforcement in Indonesia

  • Firmansyah Firmansyah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo
Keywords: Law enforcement, criminal, Morality


Criminal law enforcement in Indonesia has recently experienced a crisis of public trust due to several factors, so a clear direction is needed in criminal law enforcement. This article seeks to examine and map criminal law enforcement issues in Indonesia as well as identify and analyze appropriate strategies to ensure clarity on the direction of criminal law enforcement in the country. Based on this, the solution offered by the author is to identify the factors causing the unclear direction of criminal law enforcement in terms of substance (rules), and also in terms of culture which in this context relates to the side of morality, ethics and integrity. This research contributes to the direction of criminal law enforcement by identifying the causal factors, one of which is from a morality perspective or from a value or paradigm perspective understood by law enforcement, in addition to finding appropriate measures so that the direction of law enforcement becomes clear and just. The study conducted is a normative legal study with a conceptual framework, based on legal interpretation in relation to the social context. Data collection techniques carried out include literature study with qualitative descriptive analysis. The research findings indicate that the direction of law enforcement in criminal law has not been able to achieve justice and meet the expectations of society due to various factors, including substantive, structural and cultural factors. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve these aspects and implement other strategies.
