Proceeding Sharia International Conference
<p>SINCE (Sharia International Conference on Economics) is an annual international conference organized by the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Manado. This conference provides a platform for academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders to share ideas, research, and best practices related to the implementation of sharia principles in the fields of law, Islamic law, economics, and Islamic economics.</p> <p>The inaugural SINCE was held on November 10-12, 2023, in Manado. The conference features panel sessions, parallel presentations, and poster sessions that discuss topics such as Islamic law, Islamic banking, Islamic capital markets, Islamic risk management, Islamic microfinance, Islamic development economics, as well as challenges and opportunities in the halal industry.</p> <p>By inviting renowned speakers from various countries, SINCE aims to strengthen the global network of academics and practitioners in the fields of Islamic law, economics, and Islamic finance. The conference encourages cross-country collaboration and facilitates the exchange of insights and the latest research findings. SINCE also offers opportunities for young researchers and academics to present their work.</p> <p>Through the organization of SINCE, the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Manado strives to contribute to the development of knowledge and the implementation of Islamic law, economics, and Islamic finance at local and global levels. The conference is expected to enhance the understanding of sharia principles and open new opportunities for these sectors to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic development globally. By serving as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and best practices between countries, SINCE has the potential to strengthen international cooperation in developing Islamic economics and finance as an alternative solution amid the global economic crisis.</p>Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Manado, Indonesiaen-USProceeding Sharia International ConferenceLeadership Selection System in Fiqh Siyasah Perspective
<p><em>This research explores the role of leadership and authority within the framework of Siyasah Fiqh, especially in the context of selecting candidates for state leadership. This study explores the perspective of Islamic law in relation to state leaders, the selection of state leaders, and thecriteria that prospective leaders must possess. This research also identifies important factors that influence the selection of leaders based on Islamic law. His research methods include analysis of Islamic legal sources such as the Koran, hadith and the opinions of leading scholars. The results of this study highlight the ethical and governance values that a Muslim leader must have, as well as the criteria that must be considered when selecting a leader. This study also discusses the role of authority in identifying and supporting state leaders. This study provides an in-depth overview of the principles of Islamic law related to leadership and the election of the head of state. It also provides a basis for discussion and comparison with modern leadership selection systems. The conclusion of this research emphasizes the importance of understanding the concept of leadership in Islam and how it is applied in the context of selecting state leaders.</em></p>Frangky SulemanIzzad Alief RachmanMuhammad Arsal
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Political Configuration of Islamic Law in The Dutch Colonial Period (1848–1942): Implications Toward the Structuring of Contemporary Islamic Legal Institutions
<p><em>The movement of VOC to the Dutch royal government was the starting point of legal arrangements in the Dutch East Indies; it was caused by the existence of an ethical political system. One of those policies is the arrangement in the field of Islamic law, which lives in the Dutch East Indies. Because of the existence of legal dualism politics, Islamic law can still be implemented, but it should be adjusted with the existing policies. Therefore, this paper tries to answer the following questions: 1) the constellation and political policy direction of Islamic law in the Dutch East Indies in the period of constitutional amendment from 1848 to 1942; 2) the background and impact of the political policy of Islamic law implementation in the development of political Islamic law in the Dutch East Indies; and 3) the implications of Islamic political law toward the institutionalization of contemporary Islamic legal institutions. This paper is the result of research by historical juridical in processing and collecting data. This research found that the direction of the political policy of Islamic law in the Dutch East Indies was aimed at accommodating the policy of legal dualism. The reason for the application was political ethic policy and legal dualism as the primary legal arrangement at that time, and its impact caused Islamic legal institutions to integrate and develop. And the last implication of that policy was the protection and development of Islamic legal institutions after Indonesia won its independence.</em></p>Ahmad ZainiE. Zaenal MuttaqinH. B. SyafuriAtu Karomah
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovAdaptation of Islamic Law: The Use of Maslahah in Answering the Impasse on Islamic Law Reform in Indonesia
<p><em>This research article highlights the key role of maslahah in Islamic law reform in Indonesia. The analytical approach used is qualitative by referring to Islamic legal texts, fatwas, and scientific articles. This research also involves interviews with Islamic scholars and legal experts in Indonesia to understand the role of maslahah in the context of Islamic legal reform. This article shows that most Islamic laws are not explicitly elaborated in the Quran and Hadith or are not obtained through symmetrical qiyas methods. So that scholars in Indonesia have expanded the scope of istinbath al-ahkam by considering aspects of human welfare that are not directly regulated by nash, namely through the method of maslahah which refers to human interests, needs, and comfort in the contemporary world. Although this approach does not derive directly from explicit passages, it still refers to the general meaning contained in nas. In addition, this research reveals examples of Islamic legal reform in Indonesia rooted in the framework of maslahah, which significantly affects regulations and social structures in Indonesia. Such examples include the ban on interfaith marriage, the use of murabahah contracts in Islamic banks, as well as the role of women in leadership. His findings, the concept of maslahah al-mursalah provided a framework for the development of new legal principles and practices that were in accordance with the objectives of Islamic law in Indonesia. It has encouraged the growth and development of Islamic law, as well as increased its relevance in the country.</em></p>Nasruddin YusufMisbahul Munir Makka
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPerception of Muslim Women Entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu on The Principles and Prohibitions in Business Activities (Fiqh Muamalah Review)
<p><em>Cases of fraud in business activities that occur at both national and regional levels, especially those carried out by Muslim women entrepreneurs, have recently become widespread, including in Kotamobagu. This leads to opinions and raises big questions regarding the behavior of Muslim women entrepreneurs which should be based on Islamic principles, in this case related to the context of fiqh muamalah. This research aims to see how Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu perceive the principles and prohibitions in business activities in reviewing fiqh muamalah. By using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research seeks to reveal the perceptions of Muslim women entrepreneurs regarding the principles and prohibitions in business activities. This research design is based on phenomenological aspects by witnessing the business practices and discussions with informants through in-depth interviews. Data was obtained from interviews and literature reviews related to this topic. The result of this research reveals that in general, Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu understand the principles and prohibitions in business activities as well, and try to implement them. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority of Muslim women entrepreneurs in Kotamobagu have a good perception regarding Islamic principles and prohibitions in doing business so only a few commits fraud in business as happened in early to mid-2022 in Kotamobagu.</em></p>Telsy Fratama Dewi SamadChadijah Haris
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovFair Cooperation for Agriculture Production Sharing at Bone from The Juridical Perspective and Muamalah Fiqh
<p><em>The number of farmer labor every year has increased, while the area of agricultural land tends to decrease due to many conversions. Such conditions show how difficult it is for poor farmers to maintain their livelihoods, on the one hand they are forced to sell their fields to meet economic pressures. Therefore, the offer of agricultural cooperation with a profit-sharing system can be a solution for them to sustain their livelihoods. The main problem discussed in this study is how to form production sharing agreements and agricultural cooperation mechanisms that meet justice for farmers. This study used qualitative research methods, data collection using interviews to farmers and landowners. The results of the study found that the form and mechanism of the Bone community's agricultural product sharing cooperation agreement was based on traditions that were accepted for generations and had been going on for a long time. The community does not base the practice of cooperation for agricultural products with religious norms and juridical norms, so that the achievement of justice in the Bone community's agricultural product sharing cooperation agreement in juridical studies and muamalah jurisprudence seen from the format of profit sharing has fulfilled justice, but when viewed from the procedures and mechanisms for implementing potential cooperation to cause injustice, namely the workload and dependents of farmers are not proportional to the income obtained.</em></p>Abdulahanaa Abdulahanaa
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovWakaf dalam Filantropi Islam di Indonesia: dari Kebijakan Sampai Perkembangan Wakaf Tunai/Uang di Yogyakarta
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan secara spesifik tentang filantropi Islam di Indonesia yang terbagi atas zakat, infaq, sedekah dan wakaf (ZISWAF), baik dari segi kebijakannya sampai pada aspek historis perkembangannya. Khusus pada aspek wakaf diuraikan tentang pengelolaan wakaf produktif yaitu wakaf tunai/uang, yang tujuannya bisa menyeimbangkan perkembangan wakaf dibandingkan zakat, infaq dan sedekah (ZIS) yang sudah terlebih dahulu berkembang pesat pengelolaanya pada masyarakat Indonesia. Sebagai daerah yang terlebih dahulu menyerukan tentang filantropi Islam dan sebagai daerah yang memiliki kebijakan otonomi daerah khusus mengenai ZISWAF, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menjadi tempat penelitian yang cocok untuk melihat seberapa berkembangnya konsep filantropi Islam di Indonesia, dengan hadir dan suksesnya beberapa lembaga pengelolaan ZISWAF secara bersama-sama, maupun secara terpisah antara lembaga pengelola ZIS dan lembaga pengelola Wakaf, yang spesifik mengelolah wakaf tunai/uang.</em></p>Lisa Anjani Siwi
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovFatwa Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia terhadap Makanan UMKM Non-Muslim di Sulawesi Utara
<p><em>Fatwa Halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Provinsi Sulawesi Utara tentang Produk Makanan UMKM Non-Muslim adalah sebuah panduan yang mengatur ketentuan kehalalan makanan yang diproduksi oleh Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) yang dimiliki oleh individu non-Muslim. Fatwa ini mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek seperti penilaian hukum Islam, kualitas produk, serta aspek keberlakuan agama bagi produsen dan konsumen non-Muslim. Penelitian ini menjelaskan proses pembuatan fatwa, yang mencakup pengujian bahan-bahan, proses produksi, dan penggunaan label halal yang sesuai dengan ketentuan Islam. Studi ini juga mempertimbangkan tantangan yang mungkin dihadapi oleh UMKM Non-Muslim dalam memenuhi persyaratan kehalalan, serta cara memfasilitasi kerjasama antara otoritas MUI dan pelaku bisnis UMKM untuk memastikan pemahaman dan implementasi yang tepat. Fatwa ini berperan penting dalam mendukung pertumbuhan UMKM, meningkatkan akses pasar, dan mempromosikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kebutuhan konsumen Muslim dan hubungan antaragama.</em></p>Muhammad Sukri
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovStudi Komparatif antara Pandangan Imam Mazhab dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 Tentang Hak Asuh Anak di Luar Nikah
<p><em>Dalam Islam, perzinahan dianggap sebagai tindakan dosa besar, dan anak yang lahir dari hubungan zina sering kali menghadapi masalah hukum dan sosial yang rumit. Bagaimana hak-hak anak seperti warisan atau hak asuh akan ditangani dalam kasus ini adalah topik yang memicu berbagai perdebatan di kalangan sarjana hukum Islam. Dalam banyak masyarakat, anak-anak ini mungkin menghadapi stigma sosial dan ketidaksetaraan dalam hak-hak mereka, yang menambah kerumitan situasi mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dan perdebatan tentang hak-hak anak di luar nikah sangat penting untuk memastikan perlindungan dan pengakuan yang lebih baik terhadap hak-hak mereka dalam kerangka hukum dan sosial yang lebih luas. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 di Indonesia mengubah pandangan tradisional mazhab hukum Islam tentang anak di luar perkawinan dengan memberikan hak-hak keperdataan kepada mereka, menandai perubahan signifikan dalam hukum positif dan pengakuan hak-hak anak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini memiliki signifikansi yang besar dalam berbagai konteks, termasuk hukum, sosial, dan kesejahteraan anak. Di banyak masyarakat, anak-anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan sering menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan stigma yang dapat berdampak negatif pada kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan bahwa hak-hak anak diakui dan dilindungi dengan baik, tanpa memandang status pernikahan orangtua mereka.</em></p>Muhammad SukriSilva Erangen
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovKehidupan Multikultural dan Perkawinan Beda Agama di Toraja
<p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi dinamika kehidupan multikultural dan praktik perkawinan beda agama di masyarakat Toraja. Toraja dikenal sebagai wilayah dengan keanekaragaman budaya dan agama yang tinggi, di mana berbagai kelompok etnis dan agama hidup berdampingan dalam harmoni. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bagaimana masyarakat Toraja mengelola perbedaan agama dalam konteks perkawinan, serta dampak sosial dan budaya yang ditimbulkannya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi wawancara mendalam dengan pasangan beda agama, tokoh masyarakat, dan pemuka agama, serta observasi partisipatif. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk mengidentifikasi pola interaksi, tantangan, dan strategi yang digunakan oleh pasangan beda agama dalam mempertahankan kehidupan rumah tangga yang harmonis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun ada tantangan signifikan, seperti tekanan sosial dan perbedaan tata cara ibadah, masyarakat Toraja umumnya menunjukkan tingkat toleransi yang tinggi. Banyak pasangan berhasil membangun rumah tangga yang stabil dengan mempraktikkan nilai-nilai saling menghormati dan kompromi. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dukungan dari keluarga besar dan komunitas berperan penting dalam memfasilitasi keberhasilan perkawinan beda agama. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang bagaimana kehidupan multikultural dapat dijalankan dengan damai meskipun ada perbedaan agama, dan memberikan pelajaran penting bagi daerah lain dengan situasi serupa. Studi ini juga menyarankan perlunya kebijakan yang mendukung dan memperkuat toleransi antaragama untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih inklusif.</p>Edi GunawanReza Tois
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovBetween the Principles of Religion and Universal Justice: A Study of Judges' Opinions in the Matter of Hadhanah for Parents of Different Religions
<p><em>This research aims to explore the views and considerations of judges at the Tondano Religious Court and the Parigi Religious Court regarding Hadhanah cases involving parents of different religions. The research method used is a qualitative approach, applying case study analysis and in-depth interviews as data collection instruments. Apart from that, content analysis was also applied to complement the data obtained from interviews. The results of this research reveal that the views and considerations of judges in both courts are not completely influenced by their respective regions' religious and cultural contexts. At the Tondano Religious Court, judges tend to combine the principles of Islamic civil law in Indonesia with views on family values and morality. The same thing is also applied at the Parigi Religious Court where the judge focuses on the principles of Islamic civil law in making decisions regarding hadhanah cases. However, both face challenges in achieving a balance between religious values the principles of social justice, and individual human rights in the case. Challenges faced by both courts accommodating religious views and cultural values in binding legal decisions. Decision-making that considers these two aspects Decision-making complex, considering the importance of maintaining the integrity of religious principles while upholding the values of universal justice. This research provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics of judges' decision-making in Hadhanah cases as well as decision-making society and the implementation of religious law principles.</em></p>Salma MursyidNaskur BilaluSyahrul Mubarak SubeitanFarhan Dano
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovLiving Fiqh: Transformasi Fikih dalam Peraturan Daerah Masyarakat Tolaki
<p><em>Meskipun penelitian tentang transformasi fikih dalam kebijakan publik sudah banyak dikaji para pakar hukum Islam, masih sedikit yang membahas transformasi fikih dalam peraturan daerah (PERDA) khususnya dalam bidang perkawinan. Untuk mengisi kekosongan penelitian ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bentuk fikih yang hidup dalam peraturan daerah Masyarakat Tolaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus interpretative kualitatif. Untuk memperoleh data, analisis dokumen digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Untuk menganalisis data, menggunakan pendekatan Living Fiqh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk tranformasi fikih dalam Peraturan Daerah Masyarakat Tolaki terdapat pada metode pembayaran mahar tertunda pada Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Konawe yang mengatur tentang perkawinan. Adapun yang melatarbelakangi transformasi fikih dalam Peraturan Daerah adalah Pertama, sebagai bentuk upaya untuk melestarikan budaya adat khususnya hukum adat perkawinan, Kedua, Menyeragamkan hukum adat perkawinan suku Tolaki. Dampak tranformasi fikih secara umum adalah menjadikan hukum perkawinan mengikat secara hukum. Implikasi penelitian ini disajikan di akhir penelitian ini.</em></p>Muhammad IqbalAshadi L. Diab
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPaternity Leave: Keterlibatan Ayah dalam Pengasuhan Anak, Mungkinkah?
<p><em>Caring for a newborn child is traditionally seen as a mother's responsibility rather than a father's. This leads to disharmony within the family, including increased stress for the mother, suboptimal child growth and development, and reduced productivity for the father at work. The lack of support from the workplace places working fathers in a dilemma. This research aims to analyze the regulations regarding paternity leave to support their wives after childbirth and to understand the role of husbands in assisting their newly postpartum wives. Data were collected through direct and indirect observations, interviews, and relevant document collection. The research findings indicate that the existing regulations in Indonesia only provide a few days of paternity leave for husbands to support their wives after childbirth. Despite the existence of these regulations, some individuals do not take paternity leave due to their lack of awareness about the regulations, the lack of permission from their superiors, concerns about reduced income, or reluctance to engage in child-rearing. This ultimately results in suboptimal involvement of husbands in childcare. Furthermore, the existing regulations are limited to formal sector workers, with no regulations governing paternity leave for those in the informal sector.</em></p>Muhammad Ashabul KahfiFitriani Jamaluddin
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPrinciples of Substantial Justice in Verstek Divorce Cases Regulation in Indonesia
<p><em>The trend of resolving divorce cases through the verstek procedure has empirically dominated the resolution of divorce cases in Indonesia. Even though the verstek procedure is legal and based on law, it has several weaknesses and leaves a feeling of injustice. The problems studied in this research include: First, how to construct verstek arrangements in a divorce legal system based on substantial justice. Second, what is the ideal concept of verstek regulation in resolving divorce cases based on the principles of substantial justice in Indonesia? The research method is normative legal research based on secondary data, with a philosophical, statutory and conceptual approach. The research results conclude: first, the construction of verstek regulations as regulated in Article 125 HIR/149 RBg does not fully accommodate the substantial aspects of a divorce case examination process. Second, ideally the regulation of verstek in the examination and resolution of divorce cases prioritizes "equality and protection of the interests of the parties" as the basis and part of the principles of substantial justice. </em></p>Muliadi NurIda Fatimah
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovAkomodasi Hak-Hak Perempuan dalam Pembagian Warisan Melalui Tudang Sipulung pada Masyarakat Bugis Bone Sulawesi Selatan
<p><em>Tudang sipulung merupakan tradisi penyelesaian sebuah permasalahan yang melibatkan kalangan-kalangan terkait dan para pemangku kepentingan. Tudang sipulung merupakan proses musyawarah dan negosiasi melalui duduk bersama yang sering dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat Bugis Sulawesi Selatan. Melaui forum tudang sipulung, berbagai masalahmasalah krusial dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Penelitian ini fokus pada akomodasi hak-hak Perempuan dalam aktivitas Tudang Sipulung sebagai salah satu sistem penyelesaian pembagian warisan, khususnya pada masyarakat Bugis Bone Sulawesi Selatan. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1. Bagaimana proses pembagian warisan melalui tudang sipulung pada masyarakat Bugis Bone Sulawesi Selatan? 2. Bagaimana akomodasi hak-hak perempuan dalam pembagian warisan melalui tudang sipulung pada masyarakat Bugis Bone Sulawesi Selatan? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kwalitatif dan masuk dalam ranah penelitian hukum empiris. Data dikumpukan melalui metode pengambilan data wawancara dan selanjutnya dinalisis secara kwalitatif. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Tudang Sipulung juga menjadi salah satu tradisi yang banyak ditempuh dalam pembagian kewarisan secara damai di kalangan suku Bugis Bone Sulawesi Selatan. Kurangnya perkara warisan yang diproses ke pengadilan Agama Watampone karena dapat terselesaikan dengan baik dalam proses tudang sipulung. Tudang sipulung dilakukan setelah pewaris meninggal dunia dan kadang-kadang juga sebelum pewaris meninggal dunia. Tudang Sipulung kadang-kadang hanya melibatkan anggota keluarga atau para ahli waris dan kadang-kdang juga melibatkan perangkat desa seperti Kepala Desa dan Imam Desa untuk legitimasinya. Terkait keterlibatan perempuan, kalangan Perempuan selalu dilibatkan dalam forum tudang sipulung dan keberadaan perempuan dalam forum tersebut tidak sekedar dihadirkan tetapi juga diberikan hak suara atau hak menyampaikan pendapat serta putusan forum tersebut juga mengakomodir hak-hak perempuan untuk mendapatkan bagiannya sebagai ahli waris. Namun tak bisa dielakkan, anak laki-laki apalagi jika berposisi sebagai anak tertua tetap menjadi figur dominan dalam forum tersebut. Olehnya itu, ke depannya, tudang sipulung dapat terus dipertahankan namun harus lebih memperhatikan kesetaraan gender di dalamnya.</em></p>Asni AsniTarmizi Tarmizi
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovAnalysis of Changes in Marriage Age Limits from Psychological Perspectives
<p><em>This research aims to analyze the results of changes to the marriage age limit in Law No. 1 of 1974 using a psychological perspective. The research method used is qualitative using a case approach. The data taken is based on cases of early marriage which are widespread in Indonesia and analyzed by reducing data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results obtained show that the risk of miscarriage for children under 17 years of age is five times higher, while for children aged 15 to 19 years it is twice as high. So, changing the age limit for marriage is a solution to reduce the number of miscarriages which are currently occurring in Indonesia.</em></p>Abdul Rayhan ZakariaMuhammad Jundi Ibnu Syarif
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovRekognisi Hak Cerai Perempuan pada Pengadilan Agama di Indonesia
<p><em>Kesadaran akan hak perempuan dalam berumah tangga telah diakui berdasarkan Undang-undang Perkawnan, yang hal ini berakibat tingginya permohonan perceraian bagi perempuan di Pengadilan Agama di Indonesia. Selanjutnya bahwa pengakuan atau pengenalan pada hak perempuan berkedudukan sama di depan hukum dengan kaum laki-laki dalam persoalan rumah tangga. Studi ini disandarkan pada penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis yang berdasarkan studi kasus permohonan cerai gugat di Pengadilan Agama di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1). Tingginya permohonan cerai gugat di Pengadilan Agama yang diajukan oleh isteri untuk mengahiri pernikahan mereka. (2). Faktor penyebab tingginya pengajuan perceraian bagi perempuan adalah perselisihan terus menerus yang sulit didamaikan dikarenakan persoalan nafkah isteri, nafkah anak-anak, perselingkuhan dan kekerasan rumah tangga. (3). Inplikasinya banyaknya perempuan yang menjanda, anak-anak yang mengalami trauma setelah terjadi perceraian. Dengan demikian tingginya permohonan cerai gugat di Pengadilan Agama menunjukkan pengakuan tentang hak perempuan mengajukan permohonan perceraian di Pengadilan Agama sama dengan hak laki-laki untuk mengajukan cerai thalak. Tulisan ini menyarankan perlunya kajian ulang akbat tingginya perceraian yang diajukan perempuan dengan mencari solusi agar tidak terjadi terus-menerus.</em></p>Yasin Yetta
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Interpretation on Provisionof Principal’s Presence in Divorce Case Mediationduring Covid-19 Pandemic
<p><em>Mediation has been adopted to civil case examination on court and regulatedinPERMA No. 1 of 2016. The disputant as parties of the case (principal) should attendin person to make reconciliation for their problem, especially in case of divorcebetween husband and wife. In situation of COVID-19 global pandemic, there areobstacles for principal to attend the mediation process. The purpose of this researchis to observe the adjustment in mediation during COVID-19 pandemic made byCilacap Religious Court’s judges that are not found in PERMA No. 1 of 2016andprogressive legal theory related to the interpretation on provision of principal’s presence in divorce case mediation during COVID-19 pandemic. This research usednormative and empirical research method. The result of this research is withintheCOVID-19 pandemic, the interpretation on provision of the principal’s presence is given additional reasons for the principal’s absence by judges at Cilacap Religious Court from those regulated in PERMA No. 1 of 2016. The alternative provision aimtomaintain health and safety of all parties’ live, to facilitate and shorten the trial, andtoprotect principal’s rights and interests. Viewed from progressive legal theory, Cilacap Religious Court’s actions are in line with progressive ideas to not focusedinlegal narrative texts and provide flexibility for legal actors. The intention of theflexibility is to create justice, happiness, and prosperity for the community. </em></p>Alfianita Atiq Junaelis Subarkah
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPernikahan Siri dan Poliandri
<p><em>Pernikahan adalah ikatan sacral dalam agama bagi laki-laki dan Perempuan. Selain syariat, peraturan di Indonesia juga mengatur pernikahan antara seorang laki-laki dan seorang Perempuan disebut monogami. Tetapi peluang untuk melakukan poligini terbuka dengan beberapa syarat sedangkan poliandri tidak dapat dilakukan menurut hukum negara dan hukum Islam sesuai QS An-Nisa ayat 24. Meskipun demikian, peluang untuk melakukan poliandri selalu terbuka terlebih jika pernikahan tidak dilakukan pencatatan pernikahan. Sebagaimana yang terjadi di kecamatan Girian. pada dasarnya pernikahan yang dilangsungkan cukup dengan memenuhi rukun dan syarat saja, tetapi melihat pada modernisasi mengakibatkan masyarakakat mengalami permasalahan yang kompleks dan dekadensi moral. Sehingga terrjadi penyimpangan hukum dari pernikahan tidak tercatat tersebut. Ini menjadi poleminik antara hukum agama, negara dan situasi sosial Masyarakat.</em></p>Nur Azizah
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Relevance of High Early Marriage to Increased Stunting in West Nusa Tenggara
<p><em>This research seeks to explain the relevance of the high rate of early marriage in West Nusa Tenggara to the increasing cases of stunting. This research uses a literature study with primary data sources derived from journals, books, websites, and other data sources related to the research. Then, the data is processed descriptively and analytically. The results showed a correlation between early marriage and stunting, where the high prevalence of early marriage in NTB contributes to the high incidence of stunting. The lack of physical readiness in very young mothers during childbirth can hurt the health and development of the child. Granting marriage to underage individuals can adversely impact a child's rights to education, experience healthy growth, and maintain overall well-being. In addition, it can also adversely affect children's health and development, particularly by exacerbating stunting. There is a need for increased oversight of the dispensation decision-making process and awareness and education on the dangers of early marriage and stunting.</em></p>Arif Sugitanata
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPelaksanaan SIMKAH berbasis web berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Agama nomor 892 tahun 2019 pada Kantor Urusan Agama
<p>Penelitian ini menganalisa Implementasi SIMKAH berbasis web berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Agama nomor 892 tahun 2019 pada Kantor Urusan Agama yang penerapannya dilakukan pada Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat yuridis normative. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui aspek hukum pelaksanaan SIMKAH berbasis web di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA). Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa secara umum Keputusan Menteri Agama nomor 892 tahun 2019 tentang SIMKAH berbasis web berdasar pada ketetapan Undang-Undang nomor 30 tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan dan lebih khusus dengan penerapan Perpres nomor 95 tahun 2018 tentang Sistem Pemerintahan berbasis Elektronik. Good governance atau tata kelola yang baik menjadi dasar filosofi diterbitkannya keputusan tersebut, karena menjadi prasyarat dalam melaksanakan program-program keagamaan, khususnya dalam pelaksanaan manajemen nikah di Kementerian Agama. Oleh karena itu, SIMKAH dianggap sebagai suatu sistem yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pengelolaan program keagamaan, khususnya manajemen nikah.</p>Hasyim Sofyan LahiloteAditya Zahran BachdarFaradila HasanAzizah Lahilote
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Failure of The Judiciary in Suppressing the High Divorce Rate in Indonesia
<p><em>This study shows the unsuccess of mediation in religious courts and offers local wisdom-based mediation as a solution in preventing the high number of divorce cases in Indonesia. Using an empirical approach, researchers collected data by interviewing 50 informants namely judges, religious leaders, and the government related to the increasing divorce rate. The findings that can be presented are religious figures as local wisdom are able to reconcile divorced parties without the need to go to religious courts. The Religious Court is seen as a formal facility to certify the divorce of both parties has not been able to prevent divorce optimally. That is, the high divorce rate in religious courts requires the involvement of religious leaders in reconciling parties who want to divorce. Religious leaders as an important milestone in local wisdom have a strategic role to be involved in the mediation process of Religious Courts. The requirements that cannot be met by religious leaders make it necessary to have a mediation institution outside the court legally.</em></p>Rosdalina Bukido
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovEarly Marriage in South Sulawesi: Religiosity, Culture and the Mediating Role of Islamic Law Awareness
<p><em>Early marriage is a crucial issue or problem faced by Indonesia, especially South Sulawesi Province at this time. Cases of early marriage in South Sulawesi Province have increased every year so that it has an impact on divorce cases. This study aims to analyze (1) the effect of religiosity on early marriage; (2) the influence of religiosity on awareness of Islamic law (3) moderation of awareness of Islamic law on religiosity and early marriage; (4) the influence of awareness of Islamic law on early marriage; (5) the influence of culture on early marriage; (6) the influence of culture on Islamic legal awareness (7) the mediating effect of legal awareness on culture and early marriage.This study uses a type of quantitative research. The population in this study are parents who have teenagers aged 10-18 years. Sampling using purposive sampling with certain criteria. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. While the data analysis of this study uses SEM PLS. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant cultural influence on the occurrence of early marriage, there is a significant relationship between religiosity and awareness of Islamic law. Religiosity and awareness of Islamic law are not significant to early marriage. Meanwhile, there is no role of mediating awareness of Islamic law on religiosity and culture on the occurrence of early marriage. This research has two contributions, namely empirical and policy aspects. The results of this study are additional literature related to empirical evidence of early marriage. In addition, the results of this study help the government and families for sustainable development in overcoming the problem of early marriage in South Sulawesi.</em></p>Takdir TakdirRahmawati RahmawatiAbdain AbdainErwin Erwin
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovKonsep Frugal Living dalam Turats Ekonomi Islam (Analisis atas Teks Ibn Abi Al-Dunya, Al-Muhasibi, dan Al-Khallal)
<p><em>Telah menjadi fakta di kalangan masyarakat bahwa gaya hidup konsumerisme merupakan wabah sosial di era modern. Akan tetapi pada saat yang sama muncul tren gaya hidup hemat yang nampaknya bertolak belakang dengan gaya hidup masyarakat modern tersebut yaitu Frugal Living. Dalam tradisi Turats Ekonomi Islam didapati adanya konsep tersebut sebagaimana yang ditulis oleh para ulama Islam klasik seperti Ibn Abi al-Dunya, al-Muhasibi, dan al-Khallal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep Frugal Living dalam Turats ekonomi Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis konten. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gagasan Frugal Living itu sangat melekat dalam pengamalan ajaran Islam dengan adanya konsep Zuhd berupa sikap kemandirian diri dari ketergantungan pada kebendaan. Hal tersebut dipraktikkan dalam pengelolaan harta secara penghematan secara berimbang yang disebut dengan qashd yang merupakan konsep esensial dalam ekonomi Islam yang disebut dengan Iqtishad. Penerapan sikap hemat dilakukan secara berimbang tanpa mengorbankan kenyamanan hidup (rifq).</em></p>Nur Shadiq SandimulaSyarifuddin Syarifuddin
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovPresepsi Masyarakat Muslim di Manado terhadap Investasi Logam Mulia di Pegadaian Syariah Manado
<p><em>Bagaikan jamur dimusim penghujan, saat ini banyak perusahaan yang menawarkan dan menjual berbagai produk investasi pada berbagai kegiatan ekonomi (produksi) mulai dari deposito, emas, properti, saham, reksa dana, peer to peer lending dan investasi bentuk lainnya dengan harapan memperoleh benefit (keuntungan). Akan tetapi perusahaan-perusahaan investasi tersebut belum sepenuhnya menerapkan cara-cara menyelaraskan aktivitas keuangan dengan prinsip-prinsip Syariah. Pada hal Islam mengajarkan bahwa kegiatan ekonomi diharapkan mencerminkan nilai-nilai keadilan, transparansi, dan keberlanjutan yang diatur oleh ajaran agama. Tulisan ini mencoba memberikan solusi bagi umat Islam dalam memilih perusahaan investasi yang halal ditengah maraknya tulisan yang cenderung membahas investasi yang menguntungkan tanpa mempedulikan halal dan haramnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan: (1) Mengetahui tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap investasi logam mulia pada Pegadaian Syariah Manado; dan (2) Mengetahui tanggapan masyarakat Muslim terhadap investasi logam mulia pada Pegadaian Syariah Manado. Melalui jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan metode kualitatif phenomenology dan pendekatan multidisipliner (ekonomi syariah), diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (1) Pelaksanaan investasi logam mulia pada Pegadaian Syariah Manado masih identik dengan pegadaian konvensional dalam teori dan praktiknya. Hanya dalam perhitungan pembagian jasa yang mengacu pada prinsip-prinsip Islam, yakni tidak memberatkan investor bagi investasi dalam bentuk kredit; (2) Sebagian masyarakat muslim Manado belum banyak yang memahami ketentuan investasi syariah yang diterapkan oleh pegadaian Manado, mereka mempersepsi bahwa investasi dalam bentuk apapun karena yang menawarkan pegadaian dinilai sama dengan investasi konvensional lainnya. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut direkomendasikan agar praktik investasi syariah yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan investasi hendaknya tidak hanya dalam aspek benefit tetapi seluruh elemen dalam manajemen investasi hendaknya juga mengacu kepada ketentuan syariah.</em></p>Djamila Usup
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovBenefit Sharing in Communal Intellectual Property for Economic Improvement
<p><em>Communal Intellectual Property (KIK) is included in the protected Intellectual Property regime in Indonesia. Communal Intellectual Property such as Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions, Genetic Resources, Indications of Origin, and Potential Geographical Indications have value not only as culture but also have economic aspects in them. However, currently in Indonesia there are no regulations that specifically or sui generis regulate the use of Communal Intellectual Property from an economic aspect even though the Nagoya Protocol has provided space for the use of KIK, namely Genetic Resources with the concept of Access and Benefit sharing. The aim of this research is to analyze the application of the Benefit Sharing concept to Communal Intellectual Property and its benefits in improving the economy for owners of Communal Intellectual Property. This research is normative in nature with secondary data sources in the form of statutory regulations, concepts and articles relevant to Communal Intellectual Property. This data was collected through library research (Library Research). The research results show that the concept of benefit and sharing can be applied to other types of Intellectual Property but requires sui generis regulations. Apart from that, the application of the Benefit Sharing concept with a contract model that specifically regulates the distribution of profits between owners of Communal Intellectual Property and Users of Communal Intellectual Property will has an impact on improving the economy for Communal Intellectual Property Owners.</em></p>Fitriani JamaluddinMuhammad Ashabul Kahfi
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Influence of Market Risk and Credit Risk on Banking Profitability: A Study at Dubai Sharia Bank
<p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Risiko Pasar dan Risiko Kredit terhadap Profitabilitas pada Bank Panin Dubai Syariah baik secara parsial dan simultan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Kuantitatif bersifat Aasosiatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa data triwulan Bank Panin Dubai Syariah di mulai dari periode 2014-2021, dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh sebagai penentuan sampel, karena populasi relatif kecil, dan total sampel sebanyak 32 sampel. Uji analisis yang digunakan yaitu: Analisis statistik deskriptif, Uji asumsi klasik, Analisis regresi berganda, Uji T, Uji F dan Koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan secara parsial Risiko Pasar (NOM) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Profitabilitas (ROA) dan Risiko Kredit (NPF) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Profitabilitas (ROA). Sedangkan secara simultan menemukan Risiko Pasar (NOM) dan Risiko Kredit (NPF) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Profitabilitas (ROA).</em></p>Ridwan TabeFitria Ayu Lestari NiuYuliana Kadir
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovOnline Thrift Shop Transactions: An Overview of Business Ethics and Islamic Law
<p><em>This study aims to explain online thrift shop transactions based on an overview of business ethics and Islamic law using qualitative methods and, a phenomenological approach with a literature review. Data was collected from observations, interviews, and literatures. Data from interview was analyzed through three stages: reduction, display, and conclusions. While data from literatures was analyzed and interpreted. The results found that every purchase of thrift goods from a supplier contain an element of gharar fahisy where there is uncertainty in the quality of thrift goods that cause losses to thrift seller. Determination of the value and price of thrift goods to consumers is reviewed based on these concepts: Qimah Madiyah, Si’ru Takhlifah, Si’ru al-Suq, Si’ru al-asas, and Tsaman.</em></p>Fitria Ayu Lestari NiuNur Shadiq SandimulaRadlyah Hasan JanM. Alfa Riski Mokobombang
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovCommodification of Religion as a Marketing Strategy in Era 5.0 (A Portrait of UIN Malang Students' Thoughts on (Rizky_Entrepreneur20 Instagram Account)
<p><em>Commodification of religion in the business world is interpreted as a strategy carried out by industry players by utilizing religion as a selling point, and aims to attract and increase consumer insight. Entering the 5.0 era, it is not uncommon to find industry players competing with each other by carrying religious labels or branding in order to compete with their competitors. Religion which is a sacred thing then shifts as a medium in doing business and taking advantage. The purpose of this study is to review the form of commodification of religion as a marketing strategy in the @rizky_entrepreneur20 Instagram account and map the portrait of UIN Malang students' thoughts on the account. This research is a qualitative research and field research type. The technique used as a data analysis knife is descriptive analysis. The results showed that the marketing strategy used by the Instagram account @rizky_entrepreneur20 is a form of commodification of religion. This is illustrated by the use of religious symbols including; Qur'anic verses, adhan, shalawat, and other symbols with the aim of attracting insight viewers to follow, like, share the post. Based on the results of the questionnaire that has been distributed, the portrait of UIN Malang students' thoughts on the @rizky_entrepreneur20 Instagram account can be mapped as follows; 1) Disagree (52.2%), 2) Disagree (34.5%), and 3) Agree (4.3%). The suggestions and input received from respondents can be classified as follows; invitations in religion are not used as business interests, be wiser and more critical, and selective in social media, use better language and without coercion, do not support products or services that utilize religious symbols unethically, do not make such posts as sacred.</em></p>Siti KhomairohNaylul ‘Izzah Walkaromah
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovAccelerating the Halal Industry for Economic Growth Economic Growth in Indonesia
<p><em>The halal industry is an important instrument in Indonesia’s economic development and growth. The largest Muslim population in the world is the initial capital for Indonesia as the centre of the world halal industry. The halal industry has a strategic role in improving the economy. This article aims to outline the role and steps to accelerate the halal industry for economic growth. This research is library research with descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from secondary data, namely various journals, research, books relevant to the discussion. The results show that the Islamic economy has been proven to contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of USD 3.8 billion annually. The contribution to GDP is reflected in the consumption of the Indonesian people as well as export and import activities for halal products. So, the halal industry should be developed in Indonesia. However, there are still obstacles in its development, therefore synergy is needed from various related parties, namely both the government and the Indonesian people who act as consumers.</em></p>Nurjannah NurjannahMuhammad FadelIrwan MisbachNugraha Hasan
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovSharia-Based Marketing Strategies for MSMEs to Navigate Environmental Challenges During the Covid-19 Pandemic
<p>The economic repercussions of the pandemic are significantly greater than its health impacts. Pandemics have consistently been a part of human history, threatening both populations and economies globally for centuries. While the financial and medical effects of pandemics are well-documented, the marketing implications remain largely unexplored. To address this gap, we developed a comprehensive conceptual framework to describe the characteristics of a pandemic and its effects on sharia marketing. This study specifically aims to provide a detailed description of the state of MSMEs in Manado, focusing on micro, small, and medium enterprises in the area. The findings reveal that the environment heavily influences organizations, highlighting the need for managers to be adaptable and responsive to changes in their organizational environment. This aligns with the contingency theory approach, which emphasizes the importance of flexibility in contemporary management practices. Businesses that can endure the economic challenges posed by the pandemic will be those that quickly and effectively adapt to new conditions and adopt innovative thinking.</p>Radjab DjamaliLaily Nurhayati
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovDevelopment of the Islamic Economic Tradition in Tondano: The Acculturation of Javanese Islam and the Mapalus Culture
<p><em>This research is motivated by seeking information between Javanese Islamic acculturation and Mapalus culture in the development of Islamic economic traditions in the Tondano area. This study describes how cultural acculturation occurred in the Javanese Tondano community with Minahasa's Mapalus culture. The study was conducted in Tondano Java Village, North Tondano District, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province in May-July 2023, with a sample of individuals (informants) who were in the acculturation process of Javanese Islamic culture and Mapalus Culture selected using Grounded Theory. The research approach used is an inductive approach with the process of data collection, data analysis, and theory development occurring in a repetitive process. Research Results Implementation of Islamic economic tradition combined with mapalus culture in Tondano: Does not contain usury, maysir, gharar, dharar, maksiat, suht, and risywah.</em></p>Rahmini HadiYoiz Shofwa ShafraniLaily Nurhayati
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovGoing to Muslim Friendly Tourism: Evidence from Toraja, Indonesia
<p><em>The phenomenon of the number of Muslim tourists in traveling continues to increase. However, the availability of Muslimfriendly services and facilities is still limited. So, this study aims to analyze the development of the concept of Muslim friendly tourism and the availability of Muslim friendly services and facilities in Toraja Regency. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and documentation. Sampling using purposive sampling. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using data reduction methods, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the development of the concept of Muslim friendly tourism has been carried out in Toraja naturally,This research will theoretically provide an understanding of the development of Muslim-friendly tourism in Muslim minority areas. Practically, this research becomes input for the management and development of Muslimfriendly tourism in the future.</em></p>Muhammad Nur Alam Muhajir
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovAnalisis Justifikasi Fatwa: Alasan Dsn-Mui dalam Memperbolehkan Sumber Dana Kontroversial dalam Kriteria Saham Syariah
<p><em>Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kriteria rasio keuangan yang disebut sebagai saham syariah yaitu rasio hutang berbasis bunga terhadap total aset perusahaan tidak boleh lebih dari 45% dan rasio pendapatan non halal terhadap total pendapatan perusahaan tidak boleh lebih dari 10%. Kedua kriteria rasio keuangan tersebut diperbolehkan oleh DSN-MUI sebagai regulator hukum Islam di Indonesia. Akan tetapi kriteria tersebut bertentangan dengan Q.S al-Baqarah ayat 188 dan ayat 278 karena masih mencampurkan hutang berbasis bunga serta pendapatan non halal. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah tersebut, maka ditarik sebuah rumusan masalah yaitu Mengapa DSN-MUI membolehkan sumber dana (hutang) berbasis bunga dan pendapatan non halal dalam kriteria saham syariah? Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi lapangan. Pendekatan dalam melakukan penelitian ini ialah pendekatan yuridis-filosofis. Adapun hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa 1) Ada beberapa alasan sehingga saham syariah di Indonesia masih memberikan toleransi hutang riba setidaknya di bawah 45%, yaitu: a) Karena 99% perusahaan yang listing di Bursa Efek itu pasti memiliki hutang riba kepada bank, maka berlakulah hukum darurat. b) Karena haram dan halal hutang riba dapat dipisahkan, ambillah yang halal dan sumbangkan yang riba ke dana sosial seperti pembangunan Jalan, pembangunan WC umum, dan lain-lain. c) Karena saham sendiri adalah bentuk investasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi orang banyak jika tidak ada pasar saham maka perusahaan tidak dapat berkembang dan sebagian perusahaan akan lebih mudah bangkrut atau gulung tikar.</em></p>Adriandi Kasim
2024-05-222024-05-2210-12 NovThe Waning Role of Local Religious Authority: A Study of Buatulo Syara’a in Gorontalo Province
<p><em>Religious authority, whether in the form of individuals or institutions, has a huge influence on the behaviour of religious communities. This research discusses the role of Buatulo Syara’a as an institution holding local religious authority in the lives of Muslims in Gorontalo Province. Buatulo Syara’a is led by a Kadli (Qadi'), and is one of three institutions in the Gorontalo traditional government system called Buatulo Toulongo. The other two institutions; Buatulo Bubato (government institution), and Buatulo Bate (customary institution). The research method is qualitative, data is collected through observation and interview. Using Weber’s three variants of authority perspective, this study found that the waning role of Buatulo Syara’a as a local religious authority institution in Gorontalo is found in the realm of traditional authority and charismatic authority. In the traditional authority, Buatulo Syara’a has been displaced by the role of new religious authorities such as religious mass organisations and the emergence of the internet as a forum for knowledge search and distribution of religious values that do not only rely on certain authorities. In the realm of charismatic authority, quite a lot of Gorontalo people no longer recognise the role of Buatulo Syara’a. The existence of Buatulo Syara’a which began to fade in the socio-cultural reasoning of Gorontalo people indirectly resulted in the fading role of Buatulo Syara’a as an institution of religious authority. The realm of legal-rational authority is the only thing that makes the existence of Buatulo Syara’a still survive. The legitimacy of the existence of Buatulo Syara’a is limited to being appointed and receiving a decree from the regional leader, in this case the mayor and regent. Buatulo Syara’a then performs activities in government-owned mosques, such as the Masjid Agung at the regency/city level, the Masjid Besar at the sub-district level, and the Masjid Jami’ at the village level.</em></p>Donald Qomaidiasyah Tungkagi
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovResilience of Moral Relativism in The Face of Opposition to The Establishment of a Christian Religious Education Units
<p><em>The claim of opposition by a certain community group towards the plan to establish a Christian religious education unit is interesting from an ethical theory perspective. Individual or group sentiment towards this issue seems to lead to the view that there are no objective-universal moral facts, but this moral fact shows disharmony towards the values of state conventions and ethics. The aim of this research is to conduct a critical study of the concept of metaethics and review constitutional moral conventions and normative state ethics in the 1945 Constitution of the republic of Indonesia. This research is normative in nature with secondary data sources in the form of conceptual, historical and statutory approaches, as well as articles relevant to ethical theory. This data was collected through library research (Library Research). The results of this research indicate that the view of skepticism encompasses moral relativism. Moral relativism is a certain group's moral claim to truth. the claim of rejection of the plan to establish a Christian education unit, seems to require a great effort to maintain the building of the argument because it is difficult to find space for existence in the state ethics which are based on Pancasila, the Republic of Indonesia, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhineka Tunggal Ika.</em></p>Wawan Haryanto
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovAnalysis of MK Decision No 90/PUU-XXI/2023 (Progressive Legal Perspective)
<p><em>This research aims to analyze Constitutional Court Decision No. 90/XXI/2023, where this rule becomes a polemic towards the democratic party in 2024. The research method uses normative research (laboratory research) or library research related to statutory regulations and also uses Progressive Law perspective initiated by Prof. Satjipto Raharjo. The results of the research obtained are that the Constitutional Court's decision is a new step to provide space for regional heads (Governor, Mayor/Regent) who do not comply with the procedures required by the president and vice president as stated in Article 169 of the Election Law no. 7 of 2017. The addition of points for Regional Heads (Governor, Mayor/Regent) when reviewed using a Progressive Law perspective to become President and Vice President is not only a matter of age and political party support but we can also review other aspects such as regional heads. There is something in Indonesia that has the potential to change the land system in accordance with the expectations of the Indonesian people.</em></p>Mohamad Ali Akbar DjafarAnisa Jihan Tumiwa
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovOptimization of Government Policy Regarding Waste Management in Manado City
<p><em>This article was created with the aim of explaining about waste management in Manado City where the waste management system in Manado City is not in accordance with the objectives of the regulations regulated in Law No. 18 of 2008 concerning waste management. The research method used is descriptive qualitative based on the analysis of the phenomenon. The results obtained are that the government's policy on waste management has not been fully realized. This is because of the lack of awareness from the public about the importance of protecting the environment for the Manado community, the waste is of no value, even though if it is used, it can be utilized. Therefore, we as the people of Manado City must increase our awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and the use of waste that can still be utilized.</em></p>Maulana Averoes PakayaMaulana Andika Nasaruddin Nasila
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovQou Vadis: Criminal Law enforcement in Indonesia
<p><em>Criminal law enforcement in Indonesia has recently experienced a crisis of public trust due to several factors, so a clear direction is needed in criminal law enforcement. This article seeks to examine and map criminal law enforcement issues in Indonesia as well as identify and analyze appropriate strategies to ensure clarity on the direction of criminal law enforcement in the country. Based on this, the solution offered by the author is to identify the factors causing the unclear direction of criminal law enforcement in terms of substance (rules), and also in terms of culture which in this context relates to the side of morality, ethics and integrity. This research contributes to the direction of criminal law enforcement by identifying the causal factors, one of which is from a morality perspective or from a value or paradigm perspective understood by law enforcement, in addition to finding appropriate measures so that the direction of law enforcement becomes clear and just. The study conducted is a normative legal study with a conceptual framework, based on legal interpretation in relation to the social context. Data collection techniques carried out include literature study with qualitative descriptive analysis. The research findings indicate that the direction of law enforcement in criminal law has not been able to achieve justice and meet the expectations of society due to various factors, including substantive, structural and cultural factors. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve these aspects and implement other strategies.</em></p>Firmansyah Firmansyah
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovDefault on Mortgage Rights on Land by Bank Mandiri Manado
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to analyze wanprestasi by the bank to customers of land mortgages at Mandiri bank Manado. This research is field research, with descriptive qualitative normative method at bank mandiri Manado. The results showed that wanprestasi occurred due to misinformation at the beginning before entering into a responsibility agreement by the bank and consumers. Mortgage on land that causes wanprestasi by the bank has caused losses.</em></p>Kartika Septiani AmiriIndah ParansaFauzan Lamani
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovAnalisis Hukum terhadap Illegal Fishing: Studi Kasus Kelurahan Tandurusa Kecamatan Aertembaga Kota Bitung
<p><em>Tujuan Penelitian ini, untuk mengkaji lebih dalam analisis hukum terhadap praktik illegal fishing di Kota Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara, dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan sosiologis dan normatif. Metode analisis data kualitatif deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan membagi 2 tahap dimana bagian pertama memaparkan tentang aturan hukum yang berlaku menegenai Illegal Fishing dan tahap kedua memaparkan pandangan hukum Islam mengenai Illegal Fishing di Kota Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Illegal fishing adalah salah satu kegiatan yang beresiko dalam pelestarian sumber daya laut. Di negara Indonesia yang sangat terkenal akan sumber daya laut membuat banyak dari negara-negara asing ingin memilikinya dengan cara yang illegal. Akibat yang dapat dilihat dari kegiatan illegal fishing adalah rusaknya kawasan bawah laut mulai dari penangkapan ikan dengan tidak memenuhi syarat dan ketentuan, penggunaan racun yang dapat merusak ekosistem yang ada dilaut serta menurunkan kualitas perikanan di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian Pemerintah melakukan upaya pemberantasan penangkapan ikan secara Illegal dengan cara membentuk satuan tugas pemberantasan yang disebut dengan satgas 155, melalui pengundangan peraturan presiden nomor 115 tahun 2015. Adapun Upaya penegakan hukum Illegal Fishing yang pernah terjadi di kota bitung adalah penenggelaman kapal asing dan peledakan yang dijalankan oleh kementrian kelautan dan perikanan (KKP) dengan tidak melalui persidangan karena hal tersebut adalah kewenangan Negara, akan tetapi setelah di analisis kebijakan tersebut belum efektif dalam menekan illegal fishing di Kota Bitung dengan demikian harus ada tindak lanjut dari pemerintah dalam regulasi yang dibuat.</em></p>Nenden Herawaty SulemanMoh. Hidayatullah A. K Husein
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovTransformasi Keadilan: Kontribusi Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menjangkau Masyarakat Kota Manado
<p>Penelitian ini membahas peran lembaga bantuan hukum perguruan tinggi dalam mendukung akses keadilan bagi masyarakat di Kota Manado. Melalui pendekatan studi kasus, penelitian ini menganalisis eksistensi, peran, dan dampak lembaga bantuan hukum perguruan tinggi terhadap pelayanan hukum bagi masyarakat, khususnya dalam konteks kota Manado. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lembaga bantuan hukum perguruan tinggi memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam memberikan akses keadilan kepada masyarakat, dengan menyediakan layanan hukum berkualitas dan mendukung dalam penyelesaian masalah hukum. Namun, terdapat tantangan seperti keterbatasan sumber daya dan aksesibilitas yang perlu diatasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pelayanan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang kontribusi lembaga bantuan hukum perguruan tinggi dalam mencapai akses keadilan yang lebih inklusif dan merata bagi masyarakat di Kota Manado.</p>Wira PurwadiDwi Gunawan RantungNadira Sanapati
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovThe Potential Application of Artificial Intelligence by Criminals in Transnational Crimes
<p><em>This</em> <em>paper</em> <em>aims</em> <em>to</em> <em>explain</em> <em>the relevance of artificial intelligence in the development of criminal law and how it can create new crimes due to technological developments. This paper is qualitative research with an empirical juridical approach analysed with a descriptive method. The result of this study indicates that the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in the world of crime has the potential to increase the conventional crime sophistication of artificial intelligence and facilitate new crimes with artificial intelligence. Based on this, crimes can be classified as follows: First, crimes with artificial intelligence; Second, crimes by artificial intelligence; and third, crimes against artificial intelligence.</em></p>Nurlaila IsimaMuhammad Raihan AmuJibran Alfarisky PaekaSitti Nur Haritsah RintjapTaufik Ilham Prayoga
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovWomen's Double Burden in The Family Between Culture and Discrimination
<p><em>This research examines the double burden of women in the family: between culture and discrimination from a gender perspective. This paper aims to see the extent of the double burden of women in the family: between culture and discrimination from a gender perspective as a form of gender injustice and the factors contained therein and to find the right solution to the double burden of women in the family from a gender perspective. Data collection is done by examining written works on gender, women's double burden, discrimination, especially related to gender themes. This research is library research, which traces information through books, articles, papers, news and scientific journals. This research is library research, which traces information through books, articles, papers, news and scientific journals. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method and a gender approach. The author describes gender by collecting data either from books or other writings related to the subject matter of the research. The result of this study is that most of the facts that occur in society that double burden means that the workload received by one gender is more than the other gender that does happen to them. However, in the reality of today's life, people think that women being able to work is a common thing nowadays or a culture and there is no problem for them. However, the culture is still not favorable, causing women to work and experience a double burden. Thus, this creates gender injustice. Meanwhile, for women who have not been released or bound by culture, they are still hindered from being able to work, of course, by various factors behind it such as economic conditions, education and so on. Therefore, there are several aspects of reducing discrimination or double burden in the household. First, it is important to realize that work is not only done by men. Second, there is an agreement between husband and wife in dividing daily roles and duties, being responsible for their respective roles and duties so that there is no discrimination, and maintaining mutual commitment. Third, establish women's protection organizations in rural areas, urban areas and so on. Fourth, socialize the importance of equality so that injustice does not occur. With prevention efforts, it is hoped that it can make the perpetrators aware. so that people can realize harmony and prosperity in the household.</em></p>Muhammad Aziz
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovPerempuan dalam Pencegahan Paham dan Perilaku Radikalisme di Daerah Minoritas Kota Manado (Studi pada Organisasi Keagamaan Perempuan)
<p><em>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan paham dan perilaku Radikalisme dikalangan kaum perempuan yang bergelut dalam organisasi keagamaan di Kota Manado. Keberagaman masyarakat tidak hanya terlihat dari Agama namun bahasa, etnis, budaya dll. Kota Manado dengan slogan <strong>torang samua basudara </strong>sangat berdampak terhadap pola hubungan berbagai etnis seperti Mongondow, Minahasa, Sangihe dan etnis dari luar yang telah lama berbaur dalam masyarakat multikultural. Setiap perempuan memiliki kebutuhan dan kepentingan yang berbeda dalam dalam keluarga dan masyarakat. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh perbedaan pola pikir, budaya dan tingkah laku perempuan bahkan kegiatan agama dan keagamaan yang berbeda. Ajaran agama sebagai perekat social maka dalam lontaran gagasan tidak akan terjebab kata ekstremisme berupa penolakan dan peniruan serta batas toleransi antara agama,etnis dalam kehidupan perlu dihargai. Oleh Karena itu dengan hadirnya organisasi perempuan Islam yang membina ibu-ibu di Majelis Ta’lim melalui dakwah maka dapat merubah suasana dengan tekanan negatife lewat emosi keagamaan dengan berbagai rasa iri,benci,dendam yang nantinya bisa berpotensi pada konflik social. Pendekatan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Fenomenologi. Adapun data primer berasal dari perempuan yang terlibat pada organisasi keagamaan,tokoh agama, pembimbing keagamaan yang berbeda, data sekunder adalah penelusuran dari berbagai buku, jurnal, dan hasil penelitian terdahulu. Hasil penelitian bahwa Pendidikan,pengetahuan,sikap, interaksi social berpengaruh pada faham Radikalisme baik yang berbeda etnis, agama A yang memiliki kebudayaan A, pindah ke wilayah B dengan hal serupa, jika orang tersebut tetap membawa pemahaman dan budaya asal yang konservatif, tentu saja ia tidak akan diterima dengan baik di tempat baru juga sebaliknya. Dengan kata lain kaum perempuan harus mengarahkan agar tidak membuat perilaku yang negatif dalam masyarakat meskipun orang tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang kuat, alangkah lebih baik jika tetap melakukan penyesuaian dan membuka ruang kehidupan social kalau memang mau merubah.</em></p>Suprijati SaribPrilya Mufida AlmustaqimFilja Rahmatullah
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovPeran Tradisi Mandi Pengantin terhadap Kesakralan Perkawinan sebagai Identitas Budaya Perspektif 'Urf
<p><em>Ritual perkawinan adat Jawa khususnya di Blitar merupakan bagian penting kehidupan orang Jawa baik dari kehidupan sosial, kultural maupun ritual. Oleh karena itu tata cara perkawinan adat Jawa merupakan cerminan sikap hidup serta penyangga identitas yang berkaitan dengan tradisi adat kepercayaan masyarakat Jawa yang ada di Blitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peran tradisi mandi pengantin dalam mempertahankan eksistensi sakralnya perkawinan yang disebut siraman sebagai identitas lokal, dengan menggunakan perspektif 'urf, yaitu praktik tradisional yang berkembang dalam masyarakat, kami melakukan studi terhadap tradisi mandi pengantin di Jawa khususnya di Blitar dengan berkomunikasi terhadap ahli budaya setempat, serta menganalisis berbagai aspek 'urf yang terkait. Metode penelitian terkait penelitian ini adalah menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan historical approach, supaya mendapatkan esensi dari tradisi mandi pengantin terhadap kesakralan perkawinan. Temuan utama menunjukkan bahwa siraman pengantin memiliki peran dalam menjaga identitas lokal budaya Jawa. Tradisi ini harapannya mencerminkan sakralnya perkawinan, norma sosial, dan keindahan seni tradisional. Hasil penelitian kami gunakan sebagai salah satu bentuk mempertahankan keluarga melalui identitas budaya. Pemahaman peran penting 'urf dalam mandi pengantin ini kami berharap dapat mengupayakan menjaga dan mewariskan warisan budaya ini kepada generasi mendatang khusunya terhadap sakralnya ibadah perkawinan.</em></p>Mochammad ArifinIrmanaza Ai’naMudzi Habibatun Nafi’ahFebri IstiqomahInneke Silvya AnggrainiAchmad Rodhina Lutfi
2024-06-042024-06-0410-12 NovStudi Komparatif Antara Pandangan Imam Mazhab Dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 Tentang Hak Asuh Anak Di Luar Nikah
<p>Dalam Islam, perzinahan dianggap sebagai tindakan dosa besar, dan anak yang lahir dari hubungan zina sering kali menghadapi masalah hukum dan sosial yang rumit. Bagaimana hak-hak anak seperti warisan atau hak asuh akan ditangani dalam kasus ini adalah topik yang memicu berbagai perdebatan di kalangan sarjana hukum Islam. Dalam banyak masyarakat, anak-anak ini mungkin menghadapi stigma sosial dan ketidaksetaraan dalam hak-hak mereka, yang menambah kerumitan situasi mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian dan perdebatan tentang hak-hak anak di luar nikah sangat penting untuk memastikan perlindungan dan pengakuan yang lebih baik terhadap hak-hak mereka dalam kerangka hukum dan sosial yang lebih luas. Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 di Indonesia mengubah pandangan tradisional mazhab hukum Islam tentang anak di luar perkawinan dengan memberikan hak-hak keperdataan kepada mereka, menandai perubahan signifikan dalam hukum positif dan pengakuan hak-hak anak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini memiliki signifikansi yang besar dalam berbagai konteks, termasuk hukum, sosial, dan kesejahteraan anak. Di banyak masyarakat, anak-anak yang lahir di luar perkawinan sering menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan stigma yang dapat berdampak negatif pada kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan bahwa hak-hak anak diakui dan dilindungi dengan baik, tanpa memandang status pernikahan orangtua mereka.</p>Nurlaila Harun
2024-12-262024-12-2610-12 Nov