Maqrizi : Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics is an open access journal published by the Manado State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Manado in collaboration with the Association of Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (AFEBIS). This journal seeks to publish high-quality scientific empirical research articles in the topics of management, strategic management, organizations, entrepreneurship, operations management, human resource management, business and organizations that test, extend, or build theory and contribute to management and organizational practice. Maqrizi seeks to serve as the primary vehicle for the exchange of ideas and research among management scholars within or interested. Maqrizi is an open access journal published by the Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Manado State Islamic Institute. This journal article is published every six months (June and December).


Maqrizi : Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics with registered number ISSN 2809073X (Print),  E-ISSN 28084535 (Online) is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year in June and December by State Islamic Institute of Manado (IAIN Manado)

The articles published in Maqrizi : Journal of Economics and Islamic Economics have been double blind-reviewed by peer reviewers. The decision on whether the scientific article is accepted or not in this journal will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation.



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Rumah Jurnal IAIN Manado

Jl. Dr. S.H. Sarundajang, Kawasan Ringroad I, Malendeng Manado Kode Pos 95128, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia.

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