Jurnal Al-Mashadir: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature
Jurnal Al-Mashadir: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature is a journal published by the Departement of Arabic Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Manado
This journal focuses on the issues of (1) Arabic Education, such as; linguistic learning, phonology (al-ashwat) morphology (sharf), syntaxis (Nahwu), semantic (Dilalah), sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and language skills; listening (istima'), speaking (kalam), reading (qira'ah), and writing (kitabah). (2) Arabic Literature, such as; Arabic linguistics, analysis of Arabic issues, history of Arabic learning, and problematic of Arabic learning; method (thariqah), media (wasilah), strategy (uslub), evaluation (taqwim), and technology in Arabic learning process.
Al-Mashadir: Journal of Arabic Education and Literature does not charge any fees and support to publish quality articles, and also gives positive results to scientific developments related to the journal focus.
We invite scholars and researchers in the field of Arabic Education to invest their knowledge in the form of research or in-depth studies.
You have to make sure that your paper is prepared using the Article Template and Carefully read the submission guidelines. Submit your paper in Arabic or Bahasa Indonesia. If you have problems with the journal, please contact us at
Journal Al-Mashadir : Journal of Arabic Education and Literature
PROGRAM STUDI Pendidikan Bahasa Arab.
Fakultas Tarbiyah & Ilmu Keguruan
ISSN: 2809-6274, E-ISSN :2809-1558
Jln. S.H. Sarundajang Kawasan Ring Road 1 Kota Manado Sulawesi Utara.