Arabic Education, this journal focuses of the issues of linguistic learning, fonologi (al-ashwat) morfologi (sharf), sintaksis (Nahwu), semantic (Dilalah), sosiolinguistic, psikolinguistic, and languageās skills; listening (istima'), speaking (kalam), reading (qira'ah), and writing (kitabah).
Arabic Literature, this journal focuses of the issues of Arabic linguistic, analysis of Arabic issue, history of Arabic learning, and problematic of Arabic learning; method (thariqah), media (wasilah), strategy (uslub), evaluation (taqwim), and teqnology in Arabic learning process.
Journal Al-Mashadir : Journal of Arabic Education and Literature
PROGRAM STUDI Pendidikan Bahasa Arab.
Fakultas Tarbiyah & Ilmu Keguruan
ISSN: 2809-6274, E-ISSN :2809-1558
Jln. S.H. Sarundajang Kawasan Ring Road 1 Kota Manado Sulawesi Utara.